Adam Sandler – The “Sandman” Is From My Home State!

Adam Sandler hasn’t always been the funnyman we know today but he has always credited is family and friends. Early on he shared an interesting story that I always thought seemed so…. New England to me.
Once upon a time, Adam Sandler was born and raised in the great state of New Hampshire. Despite his success as a comedian and actor, he always remained true to his New Hampshire roots.
One day, Adam decided to host a comedy show in his hometown of Manchester. As he was preparing for the show, he realized that he had forgotten his lucky comedy hat. Frantically, he searched his hotel room and his car but the hat was nowhere to be found.
Adam was in a panic until he remembered that he had left the hat at his parents’ house in the nearby town of Derry. So, he quickly jumped in his car and started driving towards Derry.
However, as he was driving, he suddenly got pulled over by a police officer. Adam rolled down his window and the officer asked him for his license and registration.
Adam handed over the documents and the officer took a good look at them.
He then asked, “Say, aren’t you that comedian guy, Adam Sandler?“
Adam replied, “Yes, that’s me.”
The officer smiled and said, “Well, I’m a big fan of yours. But I’m sorry, I’ll have to give you a ticket for speeding.” Adam was disappointed but he took the ticket and continued on his way to his parents’ house.
When he finally arrived, he was greeted by his mom and dad who were thrilled to see him. They offered him some coffee and apple pie, but Adam was in a rush. He explained that he had forgotten his lucky comedy hat and needed to retrieve it.
His mom said, “Oh, that old thing! It’s in the attic. Let me go get it for you.” As she went up to the attic, Adam took a look around the living room and noticed a picture of himself as a kid, dressed up as a clown for a local talent show.
Adam chuckled and said, “Mom, why didn’t you tell me that you entered me into a clown contest?”
His mom replied, “Well, we thought it was a good idea at the time. But then you ended up winning and we had to buy you all those clown supplies.” Adam laughed and said, “I guess that’s where my love for comedy started.”
Just then, his mom came down from the attic with the lucky hat. Adam quickly put it on and thanked his parents for their help. As he was leaving, his dad said, “Hey Adam, be careful driving back to Manchester. You don’t want to get pulled over again.”
Adam chuckled and replied, “Don’t worry, Dad. I’ll try to keep it under the speed limit.” And with that, Adam drove off, ready to perform for his hometown crowd, and hoping to avoid any more run-ins with the law. ~ Parker