The Ghosts of Halloweens Past: A Nostalgic Journey Through the Octobers of Our Youth

Roy Funeral Home – Claremont, NH
Ah, Halloween. Just the word conjures up a cauldron of memories, doesn’t it? The scent of autumn leaves, the chill in the air that made you grateful for the layers of your costume, and the sheer thrill of the night ahead.
For me, Halloween was never just another day; it was an experience, a ritual that began in the most unlikely of places—a funeral home in Claremont, NH. Yes, you read that right.
Picture a 7-year-old me, standing in Roy Funeral Home, where the funeral director, dressed as Dracula, would emerge from an actual coffin. The trick for the treat? Sticking my hand into a bag of “guts,” which was really just wet spaghetti. But oh, what a blast it was!
The Catalog of Dreams & School Costume Craze
Remember the Halloween costume catalog? That glossy booklet was the herald of Halloween, arriving in the mail like an invitation to a world of imagination. It was a siren call to the season, showcasing the year’s coolest costumes. Then came the day when you could finally wear your costume to school. You’d walk into the classroom, your heart swelling with pride and excitement. For once, school was the place to be. But of course, there was always a Jenny wearing the same costume as you. A momentary rivalry would ensue, but by recess, you’d probably become BFFs, united by your excellent taste in costumes.
The Parade of Little Monsters & Disney Channel’s Hauntober Fest
Who could forget the school parade? It was a spectacle for the ages, a procession of ghouls, heroes, and fairy-tale characters. Ah, the golden age of Disney Channel’s Hauntober Fest. Sure, kids today have “Monstober,” but we had the classics. These two events were the cornerstones of our Halloween celebrations, filling our days and nights with magic and imagination.
Smiling halloween pumpkin with bright blue smoke on the rails in the forest. selective focus.
The Anticipation, Adventure & The Pillowcase Revolution
The day of Halloween was a study in anticipation. Time seemed to crawl as you waited for the sun to set. After enduring your mom’s photo session, you’d burst out the door, meet up with your friends, and embark on the grand candy hunt. Every kid started with the iconic plastic pumpkin bucket, but at some point, we all graduated to the pillowcase. It was like a rite of passage, a sign that you were a seasoned trick-or-treater.
The Neighborhood Odyssey & The Candy Count and Trade
Running around the neighborhood with your friends, free from parental supervision, was the epitome of youthful freedom. It was a night of endless possibilities, a scavenger hunt where the prize was a treasure trove of sweets. The culmination of the night was dumping out your candy haul and basking in the glory of your loot. You’d count, sort, and trade, ensuring that your stash was optimized for maximum enjoyment.
The Aftermath: A Sugar-Fueled Winter
In the days and weeks that followed, your candy stash became a daily indulgence. It was the gift that kept on giving, a sugary reminder of a night well spent. Sure, you’d share a piece or two with your parents, but let’s be honest—you were the king or queen of your candy castle, and life was sweet.
As the years go by, the way we celebrate Halloween may change, but the memories remain, as vivid as the colors of autumn leaves. We may no longer go trick-or-treating, and school parades are a thing of the past, but the spirit of Halloween lives on. It’s in the joy we feel when we see kids in costumes, the thrill of a well-told ghost story, and the comfort of a classic Halloween movie. So here’s to the ghosts of Halloweens past, and to the magic that still awaits us in the Halloweens to come.